domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019

Hoy me voy a dormir feliz

En medio de las lágrimas escribo esto. Pero antes de empezar, creo que es necesario un poco de contexto. Hoy, Claudia López fue elegida como la alcaldesa de Bogotá. 
Por eso, hoy estoy conmovida y emocionada de ver, por primera vez, a una mujer como alcaldesa de mi ciudad. Me emociono por todas las mujeres, jóvenes y niñas que sueñan a lo grande y que han escuchado expresiones por el estilo de: "Una mujer nunca va a llegar hasta allá". Me emociono porque ahora van a tener un modelo a seguir y van a ver que sí, que se puede llegar hasta allá, e incluso más lejos. Me emociona ver en ese cargo además de una mujer, a una feminista, a una mujer diversa. A una mujer que no nació con un apellido Santos, Uribe o Galán. Una mujer de clase media. Me conmueve saber lo que es sentirme representada.

Obviamente hay cosas de ella que no me encantan, pero prefiero quedarme con lo que nos une. Obviamente sé que hay muchísimo por cambiar, pero creo que este es un muy buen paso. Siento que es un respiro, algo necesitado.

Además, hoy fui jurado de votación. Me voy a dormir satisfecha, sintiendo que cumplí con mi deber.

Por esto, hoy me voy a dormir feliz.

martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

In a year

This is the kinda thing you usually write the last day of the year, but I'm having a kind of introspective day, I guess? I keep looking back on all that's happened in the last 12 months and I guess I wanna write it down so maybe a few years down the line I come back and look at all that's happened.

A year. 

Lots of things were happening at my old job on October '18. It was all about adapting.
I was getting ready to say goodbye to a friend I made at that job so it was a month full of feelings.
I liked someone. A lot.
Started doing something I had never done before at my job. The goal? To prove to myself, to my boss and to basically everyone that I could do it and I did it.
Things didn't work out with the someone previously mentioned and I might have cried one or twice. Oh well.
Lost a job I didn't even have but I wanted it. So bad. What a letdown that was.
Met someone else and fell in love. It didn't work out. And yes, this time I cried a lot. Sometimes I still do.
Almost lost my grandma. Cried like a baby after seeing her in the ICU. Asked God to end her suffering. She's so much better now. The moments I share with her now are very precious.
Started a new job doing something I had never done before. This time the challenge felt harder.
Went to a music festival. So exhausting. So fucking fun. 10/10 would do it all over again.
Started studying French too.
Allowed myself to open up, to feel. To let myself be carried away by the sadness. Learned to be so fucking grateful for my friends. For the laughter.
I got broken. And I broke myself. But here I am, trying to put back the pieces.
Here I am, astonished by everything that's happened in a year and curious and scared about all that could happen in the next year too.