martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

"There is God, there is you and there is Kingsley. Those are my three nonnegotiables. You understand?"

I choose this quote as the title of the review because I think that quote speaks volumes about this world Tiffany Reisz has created. It gives us an insight on Søren's heart.  And I just love it because I feel like it's so hard to "get" him, from the very beginning he's been one of the few characters of a book that in order to know him, you have too peel their layers one by one. 

Anywhoooooo. I've mentioned Tiffany Reisz and I've mentioned Søren, so it's very likely you have guessed by now what book I'm talking about: *drumroll* The Saint. In the first book of the 'The Original Sinners: White Years series' we get to see how it all started. Not just for Eleanor, but for Søren and Kingsley too. 

But wait, if you haven't read the first four books you might be kind of confused right now. If so, I advise you get The Siren RIGHT NOW and start reading that book. It's not that you have to read the others in order to understand this one but it'd be so much more interesting for you because you'd be emotionally involved with the characters and it would be fascinating to find out more about their pasts. At least that's how it was for me. 

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Nos fuimos

Sí. Soy consciente de que algunas veces no soy muy brillante, que las ideas me llegan algo tarde. Pero como todos esos refranes que sirven como "contentillo", hay uno que dice "más vale tarde que nunca". No sé por qué no se me había ocurrido antes crear un blog en el que pudiera escribir todo lo que sentía a medida que iba leyendo un libro, si es que desde abril del 2012 empecé a leer libros en forma. Aún no sé con qué libro empezar, tengo esa pequeña presión de querer hacer las cosas bien. Tampoco sé todavía qué podría ser ese 'je-ne-sais-quoi' que me puede diferenciar de los 823948293423984 blogs que hay sobre libros en Internet.

Pero bueno, aquí estoy. 

Foto: Natasha Basacchi. Flickr