jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead

Title: The Ruby Circle
Author: Richelle Mead
Published: February 10th, 2015 by Razorbill.

This book focuses on trying to find someone very close to Adrian and Sydney who went missing in the final page of Silver Shadows. They haven't been able to do much for a month, until they finally get a clue about this person's whereabouts. Sydney goes after this lead while Adrian ends up making some MAJOR discovery for the Moroi and Dhampir world. MAJOR. Then they reunite again to try and get back their friend.

My Musings 

First page and I was already swooning over Adrian Ivashkov. I have to say he's one of the best fictional characters I have read. He is loving, funny, so good hearted -borderline selfless, he honestly kept putting others before his mental health, which is one of the annoying traits about him-. I love that we get to see how vulnerable he is because he constantly tries to come off  as cocky but the whole Nina situation makes him doubt about spirit and the consequences its use could have on him.

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

Silver Shadows por Richelle Mead

Hola! Hace mucho no nos veíamos. Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la última vez que escribí una reseña pero decidí retomar el blog y hacer que se vea bien y publicar también porque contenido y apariencia son importantes. Así que aquí estoy.

No había querido seguir leyendo esta saga. El último libro que leí fue El Indigo Spell fue en Junio de 2013 OMG. Me dije, 'No voy a leer el resto de libros hasta que el último salga'. Y ese día ha llegado. Pero, no nos anticipemos porque ni siquiera he empezado The Ruby Circle. Hoy, hablaremos de Silver Shadows, de la autora Estadounidense, Richelle Mead.

Algo muy MUY importante pasó hacia el final de The Fiery Heart, -cómo fue a terminar así-, y este libro retoma este acontecimiento. Vemos el conflicto interno de Adrian y Sydney para seguir luchando por las cosas en las que ellos creen y su lucha por...........ya sabes. Si ya leíste el libro ya sabes. *silbo y me alejo*

Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead

Hi! Long time no see. It's been ages since the last time I wrote a review so here I am. 

I had been putting off this saga for a long time. The last book I read was The Indigo Spell and that was back in June, 2013. OMG. I said: 'I'm not reading the rest until the final book comes out'. And that day has come. But let's not get ahead of ourselves because I haven't even started The Ruby Circle. Today, we are talking about Silver Shadows by American author, Richelle Mead.  
So something very VERY major hapenned in the end of The Fiery Heart -what a cliffhanger-, and this book picks up on that event. We get to see Adrian and Sydney's internal fight to keep fighting for what they believe in and struggle to.... you know. If you've read the book you know. *whistles and walks away*